Our goal is to give our clients confidence that they are on the right path so they can focus on enjoying their life.
Our clients come from a variety of backgrounds, occupations, lifestyles and levels of financial experience and most have been with us for over 7 years. We are always looking to take on new clients that we're confident we'll enjoy working with – life’s too short for anything else!
We like working with pre / retirees who:
· Have already made strides in building their wealth
· Are closing in on or already retired and a little unsure what the future holds
· perhaps you have run your own portfolio in the past but want more time
· understand that ‘the plan’ will need refining over time
We like working with Business Owners who:
· are busy and need someone to guide their financial journey
· are used to working with a range of professionals
· want someone on their team who is across all aspects of their finances
· don’t mind being told when they are NOT sticking to the plan
· understand that structure and strategy can deliver more than investments alone
· want the peace of mind that comes from methodically building a plan
If some of the above strikes a chord with you, perhaps we should have a chat?
Our discovery meetings are simply an opportunity for you to tell us your story and let us know what’s really valuable to you, for us to listen and ask questions, and for us to agree on whether we should move forward.
What comes next?
After our discovery meeting we’ll draft an Engagement Letter setting out how we can assist in the next 12 months. This will include our fees which are fixed each year and start from:
· for projects / short engagements (up to 6 months) where ongoing advice is not anticipated - $5,000 plus gst
· for Comprehensive initial engagements - includes initial advice, implementation and support - $8,000 plus gst
· for ongoing advice (second year onwards) - $4,000 plus gst pa
Fees can be debited to your bank account or charged via your Investment and/or Super. We are happy to discuss the structure of these with you and your accountant.
We empower you to make better decision based on your life